I’m Robin deans

Mindfulness Coach & Tarot Reader

Helping You Find & Forge Your Own Path

Mindfulness Coaching

I help people cultivate mindfulness, which involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment. I use various practices such as meditation, breathing exercises, and visualization to help individuals reduce stress, manage emotions, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being.

Tarot Reading

Tarot cards to provide insight, guidance, or perspective on various aspects of life. Tarot readings involve using a deck of cards with different images and symbols, each representing different meanings or themes.

Goal Setting

By integrating mindfulness into goal setting, you not only define clearer objectives but also cultivate a deeper connection with the journey towards achieving them, leading to a more fulfilling and purposeful path.

Relationship Coaching

Combining tarot with relationship coaching offers a unique way to explore and understand relationships, providing guidance and insights to support individuals and couples in navigating their relationship journeys.

Stress Management

By integrating mindfulness into daily routines, individuals can better manage stress, improve resilience, and foster a more peaceful and balanced approach to life’s challenges.

Career Advice

By using tarot as a tool for career advice, individuals gain deeper insights and perspectives that can aid in making informed career decisions and navigating their professional paths.

What Is Mindfulness Coaching?

Mindfulness coaching aims to help individuals develop a greater sense of self-awareness, resilience, and a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them.

Who Is Coaching For?

Mindfulness coaching is versatile and adaptable, catering to a wide range of individuals seeking to integrate mindfulness into their lives for various reasons, whether personal, professional, or health-related

What is The Process Like?

Throughout the process, the coach acts as a supportive guide, offering encouragement, expertise, and accountability to help the client develop a consistent and beneficial mindfulness practice.

1. Assessment and Goal Setting.

At the beginning, the coach and client discuss the client’s current situation, challenges, and goals. This helps in understanding what the client hopes to achieve through mindfulness coaching.

2. Education and Techniques

The coach introduces mindfulness concepts and various techniques such as meditation, mindful breathing, body scans, or mindful movement. They teach and guide the client through these practices, helping them find what works best for their lifestyle.

3. Practice and Integration

The client practices mindfulness techniques regularly, both during coaching sessions and as part of their daily routine. The coach offers support, feedback, and adjustments to help the client integrate mindfulness into their life effectively.

4. Reflection and Feedback

Throughout the coaching process, there are opportunities for the client to reflect on their experiences with mindfulness. They discuss challenges, progress, and insights gained from their practice.

5. Tailoring and Adaptation

The coaching process is flexible and adapts to the client’s needs and progress. The coach may modify techniques or introduce new practices based on the client’s feedback and evolving goals.

What Is Tarot?

Tarot is often used as a tool for self-reflection, gaining insights into situations, decision-making, and exploring possibilities. While it doesn’t predict the future definitively, it offers guidance, prompts introspection, and can provide valuable perspectives on life’s complexities.

Who Is Tarot For?

Tarot is a versatile tool that appeals to a broad audience, including individuals seeking deeper self-understanding, personal growth, and spiritual guidance. It’s particularly beneficial for those dealing with mental health issues like depression, as it offers a unique perspective and encourages introspection. While not a replacement for professional advice or therapy, tarot can complement these approaches, aiding in exploring personal experiences, emotions, and life situations. It’s also integrated into life coaching practices, providing an intuitive and holistic approach to personal development and goal setting. Tarot readings, however, should be used as a guide rather than a definitive solution to life’s challenges and should always be complemented with advice from qualified professionals for significant decisions.

What is The Process Like?

Overall, the tarot reading process combines the interpretation of the cards’ symbolism with intuition, fostering introspection and providing guidance to help the seeker gain clarity or perspective on their life circumstances.

1. Question or Focus

The reading begins with a question or a specific area of focus from the seeker (the person getting the reading). This helps direct the reading toward the sought-after information.

2. Shuffling and Card Selection

The tarot reader shuffles the deck while focusing on the seeker’s question or intention. The seeker may also handle the cards to infuse their energy into the deck. Cards are then drawn either by the seeker or the reader, depending on the reading style.

3. Practice and Integration

The client practices mindfulness techniques regularly, both during coaching sessions and as part of their daily routine. The coach offers support, feedback, and adjustments to help the client integrate mindfulness into their life effectively.

4. Card Spread

The reader lays out the selected cards in a specific arrangement known as a spread. The spread’s layout can vary and each position often represents different aspects or timeframes related to the question or situation.

5. Interpretation

The reader interprets the cards’ meanings based on their positions in the spread, their symbolism, and their relationships with each other. The reader considers the context of the seeker’s question and the spread layout to provide insights and guidance.

6. Dialogue and Reflection

Throughout the reading, there’s usually a dialogue between the reader and the seeker. The seeker may share thoughts or feelings related to the cards, and the reader may offer further explanations or prompts for reflection.


Fresh Start Package

The Fresh Start Package includes a 1-hour tarot reading and mindfulness coaching session and year’s worth (12 additional) of monthly 30-minute tarot readings.

More Details

Initial Assessment: A session to discuss the client’s goals, challenges, and expectations from the coaching program. This helps tailor the coaching to the client’s specific needs.

Mindfulness Techniques: Introduction to various mindfulness techniques such as meditation, breathing exercises, body scans, or mindful movement. These sessions focus on teaching the basics of each technique.

Practice Sessions: Guided practice sessions to allow clients to experience and practice mindfulness techniques under the coach’s guidance. These sessions help clients develop familiarity and comfort with the practices.

Customized Guidance: Tailored guidance on how to integrate mindfulness into daily life, including at work, home, or during stressful situations.

Support Materials: Provision of resources like guided meditations, readings, or worksheets to support the practice outside coaching sessions.

Progress Review: Midway through the two weeks, a session is conducted to review progress, address any challenges faced, and make adjustments to the practice as needed.

Wrap-Up and Next Steps: A final session to summarize the learning, discuss the client’s experience, and provide strategies for maintaining a consistent mindfulness practice beyond the coaching package.

This condensed package aims to provide a foundational understanding of mindfulness and equip individuals with practical techniques they can continue to use independently after the coaching period ends.



4-Week Coaching Package

This 4-week coaching package aims to lay a strong foundation in mindfulness practices, equip you with tools for stress management and emotional well-being, and provide guidance for integrating mindfulness into your daily life for long-term benefits.

More Details

Week 1: Foundations of Mindfulness

  • Session 1: Introduction and Assessment: We’ll begin with an introductory session to understand your goals, challenges, and preferences. This will help tailor the coaching program to your specific needs.
  • Session 2: Basics of Mindfulness: We’ll explore the fundamental principles of mindfulness, including mindful breathing, awareness techniques, and setting intentions for your practice.

Week 2: Deepening Practice and Mindful Living

  • Session 3: Mindful Practices: Building on the basics, we’ll dive deeper into mindfulness techniques, incorporating mindfulness into daily activities, and cultivating present-moment awareness.
  • Session 4: Mindful Communication and Relationships: We’ll explore how mindfulness can enhance communication skills, empathy, and connections in your relationships.

Week 3: Stress Reduction and Emotional Well-being

  • Session 5: Stress Management: We’ll focus on mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques, including mindful relaxation, managing stress triggers, and coping strategies.
  • Session 6: Emotion Regulation: Exploring mindfulness approaches to understanding and regulating emotions, fostering emotional balance and resilience.

Week 4: Integration and Sustainability

  • Session 7: Self-Reflection and Progress Review: Reflecting on your journey, reviewing progress, addressing challenges, and celebrating achievements.
  • Session 8: Sustainability and Moving Forward: Creating a plan for sustaining mindfulness practices beyond the coaching period, setting intentions for continued growth and integration.


8-Week Coaching Package

This comprehensive 8-week coaching package aims to provide a solid foundation in mindfulness, deepen your practice, enhance emotional well-being, and equip you with tools for integrating mindfulness into various aspects of your life for long-term benefits.

More Details

Weeks 1-2: Establishing Foundations

  • Session 1: Introduction and Goal Setting: We’ll begin with an in-depth discussion to understand your objectives, challenges, and aspirations in integrating mindfulness into your life.
  • Session 2: Mindfulness Fundamentals: Exploring the basics of mindfulness, including mindful breathing, body scans, and understanding the present moment.

Weeks 3-4: Deepening Practice

  • Session 3: Mindful Awareness: Delving deeper into mindfulness techniques, emphasizing present-moment awareness, and integrating mindfulness into daily routines.
  • Session 4: Cultivating Resilience: Focusing on building resilience through mindfulness, managing stress, and responding effectively to challenges.

Weeks 5-6: Emotion Regulation and Well-being

  • Session 5: Emotional Intelligence: Exploring mindfulness techniques for understanding and regulating emotions, fostering emotional balance, and enhancing well-being.
  • Session 6: Self-Compassion and Acceptance: Learning to cultivate self-compassion and acceptance through mindfulness, nurturing a positive relationship with oneself.

Weeks 7-8: Integration and Sustainability

  • Session 7: Mindful Relationships: Applying mindfulness to enhance communication, empathy, and connections in relationships.
  • Session 8: Progress Review and Future Planning: Reflecting on progress made, discussing sustainable integration of mindfulness practices beyond the coaching period, and setting intentions for ongoing growth.


About Me

I am a seeker, seer, and steward of the sacred, believer in the divine dance between the universe and the self. I am passionate soul and a spiritual coach, mindfulness guide, tarot enthusiast, and crystal healer. Through dedicated practice and an unyielding commitment to spiritual growth, I have  embraced the profound synergy between tarot, manifestation, and the healing energies of crystals.

You completely answered my question.

You completely gave me the information and insight needed to take action and move forward.

What I most valued or appreciated about this reading is … Everything she said helped because she was direct and told exactly what should be done for the better of both of us. She was fast too.

Overall, I rate your reading 5 stars. The reading gave me a lot of insight into my situation, was extremely helpful to me and provided a lot of value! I would absolutely recommend you as a Tarot Reader to others!

This reading was provided as a part of the Biddy Tarot Practice free reading platform:



You completely answered my question. And I’d like you to know that … I just want to thank you because I have been stressing over this for weeks.

You completely gave me the information and insight needed to take action and move forward.

What I most valued or appreciated about this reading is … I like that you stated what each card meant in regards to my reading. I absolutely appreciate that after that you put every thing together in a clear and concise way, letting me know what other is I need to do.

Overall, I rate your reading 5 stars. The reading gave me a lot of insight into my situation, was extremely helpful to me and provided a lot of value! I would absolutely recommend you as a Tarot Reader to others!

This reading was provided as a part of the Biddy Tarot Practice free reading platform:



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